What Do We Mean By Sola Scriptura?
I was going through a pile of old papers and I came across a stack of interesting essays I had read in college and seminary. I wanted to...

Thinking Out Loud: The Bible is Tradition
Readers of this blog are aware by now that a significant doctrinal reason for my becoming Orthodox is the Bible and it's relationship to...

What's Missing?
A question about my previous post was received from a reader via Facebook. "Could you perhaps elaborate on the ways in which the Lutheran...

Grief Comes in Layers
This post is part of our No Longer Sola Series. This series details my investigation of Orthodoxy and comparison to the doctrine of the...

There is No Lutheran Church
This post is part of our No Longer Sola Series. "The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish....

Drawing Near to the Saints
This post is part of our No Longer Sola Series. One of the most prolific arguments against praying to the saints is this idea that they...

One Mediator
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. I used to say and believe that there is nothing in the Bible about asking the saints in heaven...

Most Holy Theotokos, Save Us!
Yesterday was a bit of an introduction post to today. Often times Lutheran pastors like Will Weedon and others, have alleged that...

Warning: Idolatry
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. This series details my investigation of Orthodoxy and comparison to the doctrine of the...

Shedding Some Light
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. If we desire to feel the warmth of the sun, we must make the physical effort to walk outdoors...