Facebook Fast: Day 1
So… my very dear husband has convinced me to join him in a week long Facebook Fast, a cybernating of sorts, if you will. I have decided to blog about our experience. How was Day 1? Let me paint you a picture…
Instead of logging onto Facebook as soon as I woke up… I made my dear hubby and I some hot tea to enjoy while we worked.
Instead of checking Facebook when I was done working… I sang a hymn and said morning prayers with my daughter we she woke up.
Instead of checking Facebook after breakfast… I read children’s Catechism books to Evangeline.
Instead of spending more time on Facebook after hubby left for school… I put away the clean laundry and dishes.
Instead of staring at the computer screen… I gazed into my son’s eyes.
Instead of scrolling through my newsfeed… I unpacked a much needed winter clothes box.
And your favorite of all… instead of using my nursing breaks for Facebook updates I wrote this nifty blog post.
In short, we got a lot more of life done and a lot less of living vicariously through my computer screen. At the same time I loved it and I hated it. I will admit – I do feel disconnected; I’m a little worried I’m missing something important. And I have no idea what’s going on in the news… I will expand a bit more tomorrow, but I thought I’d leave a mostly positive note for Day 1. Perhaps it will be motivation to keep going. Have you ever thought of giving up Facebook? I’d love to hear your experiences! Especially since I am currently deprived of my social media outlet…