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Fascinating Friday

What an interesting week! Besides some of the fascinating things I discovered there are also a few kiddo pictures at the end. Enjoy and happy Friday!

World News - I bet the Police were smiling a little bit at the scene of this accident for a change as a semi truck carrying 12 tons of liquid chocolate spilled on a Polish Highway.

St. Spyridon

By far the most fascinating thing I learned this week is that about the relics of St. Spyridon who also happens to be the patron saint of the parish we attend. More details about his life can be found here.

The body of St. Spyridon has a constant temperature of 36.6 degrees. His hair and nails grow. And what is most surprising is that the clothes that are worn on him are changed every six months, because it wears out, as if he does not lie, but walks around. The keeper of the relics said that there have been cases when the key simply can not open the lock on the reliquary. And then the priests know that the saint is not in the reliquary but walking around the island Corfu.


Science has spoken and we are to officially put two spaces after a sentence, not just one. The way I was taught to type has prevailed! Don't believe me? Read it here.

Do Angels exist?

Many people today doubt the existence of Angels but I urge you to watch a short clip from this talk by Abbot Tryphon at St. Barnabas Orthodox Church. Start watching at exactly 1 hour and 15 minute mark. He’s wrapping up one story about helping a hungry man that leads into his story about how he and a now reposed Bishop encountered an angel when the Abbot was a newly tonsured monk. If you’ve read this story before on the Abbot’s blog “The Morning Offering” you’ll want to hear him tell it in his own words, it’s VERY powerful in my opinion.

On this Day in History – May 11, 1997

On May 11, 1997, chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov resigns after 19 moves in a game against Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer developed by scientists at IBM. This was the sixth and final game of their match, which Kasparov lost two games to one, with three draws. Read all about it here.

On May 11, 1926, J. R. R.Tolkien and C. S. Lewis have their first long chat. Five years afterward, Lewis converts to Christ. Later the two men, with a group of friends and colleagues, will become members of the Inklings, a predominantly Christian group at Oxford. - Authority for the date: Carpenter, Humphrey. The Inklings. Houghton Mifflin, 1979.

German Catholic Church – I’m continually fascinated to read about developments in the Roman Catholic Church on welcoming non-Catholics to the communion table. This article deals with non-Catholic spouses coming to Communion in Germany.

Albert Pujols and the Cards sweep the Cubs

It was a big week in sports as my Cardinals swept the Chicago Cubs and have won 5 in a row against the terrible team from the north side of Chicago. Go Cardinals! Also, Albert Pujols joined the 3,000 hit club, becoming just the 4th player in MLB history to amass 3,000 hits and 600 home runs. It killed me when he went to the Angels after his best years with my Cardinals, but I'm trying to be happy for him breaking all these records.

Last but certainly not least, a few pictures.

For those of you looking forward to a long sermon this weekend. :-D

Hope holding her littlest sister, what a sweet moment it was!

There are fewer things Evie enjoys more than reading to her little sister. She said "Christine you'll love this chapter it's called the "Sugar Snow!"

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