Stephen's Birth Story: Part II
If you haven’t yet… read Part I first! ****** The thought that I might actually be ready to push still had not crossed my mind. I didn’t...

Stephen's Birth Story: Part I
Stephen Patrick July 19th 2012 – 4:08pm 8lbs 8oz – 19 in. We hadn’t had rain in months. It was one of the driest summers the area had...

A New Mommy of Two
As you may have already guessed… we didn’t end up live blogging the birth… I promise that I will post a birth story as soon as I have it...
Ya'll Ready for This?
I have officially sorted, packed, organized and repacked every single item we own. Isn’t moving great? It at least feels good to purge...
All About Baby!
So… tomorrow is an important day. Starting tomorrow I will officially be in full-on countdown mode for baby’s arrival. Three weeks! ...
Happy Mother's Day!
I have had so many wonderful Mommy moments this week. Yesterday Jake took Evie to the park and as she was holding his hand and walking...
In the spirit of doing what I say I'm going to do...
So, at the beginning of the year I posted all of my resolutions and promised that I’d keep you updated on the progress. Umm… sorry about...

Judge Not...
For it is my birthday. It is SO difficult to blog again after you have been gone for so long! I’m worried about what all of my readers...