The Drunk Monk
This is one of my favorite stories. It is indicative of how Orthodoxy handles pastoral care and besetting sins. Also highlighted is a...

Fascinating Friday
A couple months ago our parish had a visitor, a monastic, Fr Seraphim Aldea. He told us about his vision for bringing Orthodox...

One Mediator
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. I used to say and believe that there is nothing in the Bible about asking the saints in heaven...

Most Holy Theotokos, Save Us!
Yesterday was a bit of an introduction post to today. Often times Lutheran pastors like Will Weedon and others, have alleged that...

Warning: Idolatry
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. This series details my investigation of Orthodoxy and comparison to the doctrine of the...

Christine's Baptism
Christine received the Holy Mystery of Baptism on May 22, 2018. "In Your Name, O Lord God of Truth, and in the Name of Your Only-Begotten...

Protector of the Poor and the Orphans
Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the...

Fascinating Friday
Every Spring when I see the Dandelions pop up I'm reminded about my dear Grandmother who passed away in 2012, but I can still hear her...

Shedding Some Light
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. If we desire to feel the warmth of the sun, we must make the physical effort to walk outdoors...

Fascinating Friday
What an interesting week! Besides some of the fascinating things I discovered there are also a few kiddo pictures at the end. Enjoy and...